Monday, December 23, 2013

Cool As Ice

Many of us do not know what it was like to be one of the cool kids in school, and many of us spend our whole lives trying to achieve the popularity we did not have back in school. To do this they will spend all their money on material possessions to try to become more popular, instead of just being themselves.

Cars, a fast sports car is the most common thing people buy to make them selves more cool. Most people do not go out and investigate the car that has the least amount of reported problems or is the most fuel efficient car they want a car that looks, fast and intimidating.

Fashion: Some people think that being cool means spending all your money on expensive clothes just because they are the latest fad. The problems with fads is that once you get into them so is everyone else, and to be cool you have to be a leader and not a follower.

Music, many people will listen to MTV to listen t the new big hits, again thinking that by knowing what is new and popular will make you appear cool to others.

Casino gambling and Poker: due to the popularity of poker on TV many people have not only taken up playing poker, but they think it is cool to not only dress like the famous poker players, but they have to wear patches for different sponsors like the professional poker players do. Just remember that playing poker, blackjack or roulette may make you seem cool, but games like keno, pachinko or bingo will definitely make you seem like a dork, unless you win millions of dollars.

Bling: Bling is a term for gold ad silver jewelry, and in recent years the rule has become the cooler you want to appear the large your jewelry must be. For the most part these people are spending lots of money trying to look cool but wind up looking like fools.

Personal Appearance, many feel that how they look determines how cool they are. These people will spend hours a day working out and are always dieting to try and keep themselves in the best possible physical shape to try to make them cool.

In reality cool is not about what you listen to, wear, ride or play. It is about who you are as a person. Usually if you talk to someone who is considered cool, they are not trying to be cool; they just do things that appeal to you, and the more you try to show these people how cool you are the less likely they are to find you cool or to want to be around you.

People who are cool if asked do not care about being cool they just want to be themselves, and if people think this is cool it is because most people are followers an they will cling onto a fad because everyone else is doing it, and historically people that were cool were leaders and not followers.

So if you are really looking to be cool then the best advice is to just be yourself. Some people will find you cool for living life on your own terms.

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