Saturday, December 28, 2013

V-(ISI) korelasi rumus balok dan rumus pemimpin?

Halo, halo! apa kabar siangmu kawan? hihi, I  hope kalian semua baik, sehat dan kaya (jiwanya). Yaph, kali ini kita bakal saling membaca diri kita sendiri lagi lewat tulisan-tulisan-ku ini. Ini gara-garanya aku mengupas kulit mangga dengan pisau. Eh, nggak taunya pisaunya tumpul!! Ups, padahal pisau ya? kok tumpul? kira-kira kok aku kebayang sebuah gambaran tentang sosok atau salah satu elemen penggerak dalam kehidupan kita.

War of Football Stars and Tweet War?

Good morning on a sunny Sunday , how do you guys Saturday night ? ah , never mind... In the end you just teasing me . Hehe.., yeah I hope you guys every day and continue the spirit for the flowery taste . For those who don't ? oh, yeah trying experience yourself huh ? hehe...

Dude , we know in the world of football . We know some kind of star players Cristiano ronaldo , Leo messi , Wayne rooney , and so on. They're the stars of the gridiron God with all the scientific level. Each of the face is definitely shy, either friend or foe. Obviously it huh ? But there is one thing we seldom discussed, rarely discussed and would be discussed. Well, how complicated this way huh ? hehehe..., new images of this quiet story.If I ask, who can make them great ? I'm sure the majority answer was a factor coach . And I will not justify or blame the argument, because it is how it is . If I may suggest , right? hehe we are not created to argue ? Do not be afraid to argue, but don't carelessly also argued. It said the levels of God.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Menurut Plato, Cinta dan Perkawinan Itu...

Cinta dan perkawinan terkadang menjadi sesuatu yang suka dipermainkan. Patutkah itu semua? Belajarlah dari Plato, seorang filsuf Yunani. Saya mengutip artikel ini melalu pencarian saya di internet.

Cinta dan Perkawinan Menurut Plato

Satu hari, Plato bertanya pada gurunya, “Apa itu cinta? Bagaimana saya bisa menemukannya?

Today afternoon of Gundam, injection spirit of brother - sister

Hmm , this afternoon I had the arrival of my little family . Yes he is my brother and sister who want to spend time here . Time ? ah , I mean holiday to finish his rest ( read : vacation ) . Speaking of afternoon , evening somehow my day when I'm on vacation also was unique and there was some sort of encouragement back after a year of activity that can not be disclosed .

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Souvenirs and local results

2 days ago my sister, Cintya name. Just got home from kyoto, yes thank God no longer update each other. feels happy and amazed sister's niece just more beautiful. Hehehe ... 

oh yes, he gave me a gift (which is rightfully so). And of course the most interesting drinks that you see. She said these drinks such as vitamin-C, if the see-saw the fruits of all his compositions. If I were just confused, what is the difference between imports and exports of beverages? if the same composition, then how to manufacture, labeling and its contents are not much different.  

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Daylight, cloudy, and a cup of coffee (again)

This time as usual, I'm just sitting alone in front of an ancient laptop. At least I do not want to replace it because there are too many memories that I went through with it. Hehe, a kind of romance that is mediocre.

Dude, still filled with the atmosphere of Christmas, right? I hope that I expect from you is the seeds of love you always say. For some reason, the increasing day and time. I started thinking about doing something in this life scene. 

Of course while I kept wandering and continue to search for the meaning of life (cool huh) hehe. I think enough has been grappling with the feeling and intention, I had a lot (actually still a bit) to get insights and new enlightenment. But still, something is missing.

Did we lay still on holiday ?

Day off , so we never know if there are any days off ? Talking about the reason , if the day off if the clock stopped to rest ? Or perhaps all life stops because the word holiday ? Oh well , the important notion that holiday I returned to each individual to interpret .Okay , this time off is pretty special . Still nothing to do with Christmas , we know not to close their eyes and that every year there's always turmoil arising . This country really weird ! Why and whose fault is that things like this always inferior mushrooming in every year . 

For groups of Muslims , always split . I do not hold up with a discussion of the arguments or anything related to it . It's just that if you think about , whether you are human ?Well , what to do with this try ? Hehe , no I'm just kidding only . I Just remembered that human beings are not a socialist and a people ? Or perhaps we are the animal that is individualistic ? Ah , whatever term I always laugh at these discourses .Unlawful , must not , infidel ? What is the meaning of these terms when compared to the values ​​of humanity and the cup of wisdom ? I am ignorant and backward people call it . Hence the name of humanity I mentioned that I do not deserve say on behalf of humanity . Well, why else ? Hehe , yes always like this .

Man according to religious definitions and knowledge are different . Moreover, I define my ignorance instincts . Hehe , I think that human beings are no-nonsense . Should not it ? If you do not protest , did I not impose this opinion .Okay , then what to do with the title , contents and celebration and humanity ? Please find out himself . Did we deserve a vacation after what we did before the holidays ? Who knows .

Congratulations understand

Overcast At Christmas

As usual, the morning I always start by opening the window in order to pick up inspiration. But for whatever reason, my days seem barren, as many events are bored through. whereas, once a wise man always taught me to not miss a second of the way of life. Anyone know why? because we're playing this like a movie and episode continues.
Ok, cappuchino coffee this morning to pick up my dream. I opened the laptop and look at the world news. Again, there are the usual debate, there is also the sad news. Emm .. moreover huh? oh good news for those who (can) celebrate Christmas.

Round groove is getting bolder life complete, there are new ideas that emerge. Hehe, but as a person who enjoys the role. No word tired to live.
Friends, life is no different from era to era. What matters is how we learn to understand and comprehend. Know, any religion will not let us oscillate. Yes, although it is definitely. At least we already learned little by little to understand it wisely. Whatever it is, we must be wise. In their work, learn, love and scolding. Do not remove the sage and wise. 

Merry Christmas, stocking your love and prayers for all entrusted to be beautiful.

Apa beda lidah dan gigi?

Lao Zi : Apa beda lidah dan gigi (Orang yang Lemah Lebut Lebih Bisa Bertahan)
Salah satu orang yang paling berhikmat di negeri Tiongkok adalah Lao Zi. Namun Lao Zi juga belajar banyak dari gurunya yang memiliki hikmat sangat tinggi. Nama guru itu adalah Shang Rong. Shang Rong mempunyai pemikiran yang sangat brilian dan dalam. Ia juga mempunyai cara mengajar yang dikagumi oleh Lao Zi, karena itu ia merasa bahwa gurunya yang membuatnya sangat berhikmat.

Monday, December 23, 2013

媽媽愛我們,我們愛自己。Refleksi, benarkah kita mencintai ibu kita?

Cintailah Ibu kita sebagai mana kita mencitai diri kita sendiri. 

Alkisah, ada sepasang kekasih yang saling mencintai. Sang pria berasal dari keluarga kaya, dan merupakan orang yang terpandang di kota tersebut. Sedangkan sang wanita adalah seorang yatim piatu, hidup serba kekurangan, tetapi cantik, lemah lembut, dan baik hati. Kelebihan inilah yang membuat sang pria jatuh hati.

Sang wanita hamil di luar nikah. Sang pria lalu mengajaknya menikah, dengan membawa sang wanita ke rumahnya. Seperti yang sudah mereka duga, orang tua sang pria tidak menyukai wanita tersebut.

Hei, Lihat Apa Yang Di Dalam

Rumah kami langsung berseberangan dengan pintu masuk RS John Hopkins di Baltimore. Kami tinggal di lantai dasar dan menyewakan kamar-kamar lantai atas pada para pasien yang ke klinik itu.

Suatu petang dimusim panas, ketika aku sedang menyiapkan makan malam, ada orang mengetuk pintu. Saat kubuka, yang kutatap ialah seorang pria dengan wajah yang benar buruk sekali rupanya. “Lho, dia ini juga hampir cuma setinggi anakku yang berusia 8 tahun,” pikirku ketika aku mengamati tubuh yang bungkuk dan sudah serba keriput ini. Tapi yang mengerikan ialah wajahnya, begitu miring besar sebelah akibat bengkak, merah dan seperti daging mentah., hiiiihh...!

Cool As Ice

Many of us do not know what it was like to be one of the cool kids in school, and many of us spend our whole lives trying to achieve the popularity we did not have back in school. To do this they will spend all their money on material possessions to try to become more popular, instead of just being themselves.

Cars, a fast sports car is the most common thing people buy to make them selves more cool. Most people do not go out and investigate the car that has the least amount of reported problems or is the most fuel efficient car they want a car that looks, fast and intimidating.

Kebeningan Yang Kembali

Seorang pria mendatangi Sang Master, "Guru, saya sudah bosan hidup. Sudah jenuh betul. Rumah tangga saya berantakan. Usaha saya kacau. Apapun yang saya lakukan selalu berantakan. Saya ingin mati."
Sang Master tersenyum, "Oh, kamu sakit."
"Tidak Master, saya tidak sakit. Saya sehat. Hanya jenuh dengan kehidupan. Itu sebabnya saya ingin mati."

Seolah-olah tidak mendengar pembelaannya, sang Master meneruskan, "Kamu sakit. Dan penyakitmu itu sebutannya, 'Alergi Hidup'. Ya, kamu alergi terhadap kehidupan." Banyak sekali di antara kita yang alergi terhadap kehidupan. Kemudian, tanpa disadari kita melakukan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan norma kehidupan. Hidup ini berjalan terus. Sungai kehidupan mengalir terus, tetapi kita menginginkan status-quo. Kita berhenti di tempat, kita tidak ikut mengalir. Itu sebabnya kita jatuh sakit. Kita mengundang penyakit. Resistensi kita, penolakan kita untuk ikut mengalir bersama kehidupan membuat kita sakit.

Bijaklah Dalam Hidup

Selama berabad-abad, umum menganggap bahwa, “Manusia harus menunjukkan, kuat dan tidak lemah, pandai dan tidak bodoh.”
Namun tidak begitu bagi Lao Zi, menurutnya “Manusia harus menunjukkan kelembutan dan tidak kaku, terus terang dan tidak licik, mempunyai motif atau keinginan; tidak egois dan merendah, serta berpikiran jernih alami.”

Umumnya orang percaya bahwa bersikap kaku itu baik, tapi menurut Lao Zi, yang keras akan rapuh, mudah retak dan yang lunak akan bertahan.

Contohnya, apa yang paling keras dan paling lunak dalam badan Anda? Gigi yang paling keras dan lidah yang paling lunak. Pada usia renta semua gigi akan hilang, tetapi lidah masi tetap sempurna.
Apakah pohon besar lebih kuat daripada rumput?

Mengenal Diri

Diri kita ini laksana padang savana yang luas membentang, ada yang melukiskan seperti batang pohon. Tapi kebanyakan dari kita sering memandang pohon itu seperti pohon. Bagaimana bisa seperti? jangan berandai-andai apalagi membuat hal yang sepele bagi dirimu sendiri.

Jiwa kita ini akan rusak jika kita tidak merawat diri sendiri, esensinya ketika kau membersihkan tubuh. Menyikat dan memberi harum-haruman pada lapisan luar. Tapi kau lupa hal sama juga harus berlaku pada lapisan dalam. Siapa dirimu jika kau tidak paham bagaimana dirimu?

Jangan bertindak seolah-olah kau ini artis, orang terkenal atau nabi. Bijaksanalah dan jujurlah pada dirimu, kebohongan yang melandasi sifat manusia muncul ketika dia membuka cakrawala dunia. Apa itu salah? tidak dan jelas tidak ada yang menyalahkan. Hanya orientalisasi dan pembawaan cawan kebijaksanaan yang hilang atas kendali dirimulah yang membuat hal itu blur.

Ketahuilah, air tetaplah air dimanapun dia diletakkan. Begitulah juga dirimu, kau tetaplah kau. Mulai sekarang belajarlah merenug. Siapa AKU?