Saturday, December 28, 2013

V-(ISI) korelasi rumus balok dan rumus pemimpin?

Halo, halo! apa kabar siangmu kawan? hihi, I  hope kalian semua baik, sehat dan kaya (jiwanya). Yaph, kali ini kita bakal saling membaca diri kita sendiri lagi lewat tulisan-tulisan-ku ini. Ini gara-garanya aku mengupas kulit mangga dengan pisau. Eh, nggak taunya pisaunya tumpul!! Ups, padahal pisau ya? kok tumpul? kira-kira kok aku kebayang sebuah gambaran tentang sosok atau salah satu elemen penggerak dalam kehidupan kita.

War of Football Stars and Tweet War?

Good morning on a sunny Sunday , how do you guys Saturday night ? ah , never mind... In the end you just teasing me . Hehe.., yeah I hope you guys every day and continue the spirit for the flowery taste . For those who don't ? oh, yeah trying experience yourself huh ? hehe...

Dude , we know in the world of football . We know some kind of star players Cristiano ronaldo , Leo messi , Wayne rooney , and so on. They're the stars of the gridiron God with all the scientific level. Each of the face is definitely shy, either friend or foe. Obviously it huh ? But there is one thing we seldom discussed, rarely discussed and would be discussed. Well, how complicated this way huh ? hehehe..., new images of this quiet story.If I ask, who can make them great ? I'm sure the majority answer was a factor coach . And I will not justify or blame the argument, because it is how it is . If I may suggest , right? hehe we are not created to argue ? Do not be afraid to argue, but don't carelessly also argued. It said the levels of God.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Menurut Plato, Cinta dan Perkawinan Itu...

Cinta dan perkawinan terkadang menjadi sesuatu yang suka dipermainkan. Patutkah itu semua? Belajarlah dari Plato, seorang filsuf Yunani. Saya mengutip artikel ini melalu pencarian saya di internet.

Cinta dan Perkawinan Menurut Plato

Satu hari, Plato bertanya pada gurunya, “Apa itu cinta? Bagaimana saya bisa menemukannya?